Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The discover

In the last week, I found a few amazing blogs, all of them packed with absolutely brilliant and inspiring work.
Simultaneously, I perceived that the questions and topics that I had in my mind for quite some time, were well known by these guys.

It was quite a find. So I began exploring a few theoretic issues inside the complex geometry theme, generative processes and scripting.

I first looked into MEL, but I don't have much time right now, and I had to dig quite a bit into Maya. Then I thought that Rhino would be a great way to go, since I'm a bit familiar with it.
Right now I'm digging into rhinoscript 101, and I will be posting a few tests and thoughts along the way. I will also cover architectural issues of different sort.

I'm also keeping an eye on the grasshopper plugin....

So, here are some really simple tests. Hopefully I will grow into more comples geometries..
Rhino geometry, basic honeycomb, pipes and array. Render in cinema 4d (no GI).

Thoughts, helping hands and tips are welcome.