Monday, August 2, 2010

Osmosis 1.0.

Just started a new research, that focus the the process of generating dynamic spaces from "in-between" events.

The idea behind is the process called osmosis in this way combining the flowing of spaces, persons and events between semi-permeable membranes planes.

Here is a couple of images as the usual teaser..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Skinning Steel Addendum

Skinning Steel
Skinning the between, or the re-qualification of urban niches.

in-between, symbiosis, endemic, parasitic, incongruous spaces, evolutive cityscape, vascular city, hybrid spaces, systemic organization.

Skinning the between is a possibility, an equation. It’s a primary and very basic approach to a great deal of fragment thoughts about the city.

The project originates from a reflection about the velocity of the world we live. How the new interacts with the old, how the spaces between the those patches are mediated, how the spaces between spaces structure the urban fabric.

These residual spaces between, underneath or even above large structures, and somehow incongruous spaces tend to assume a fascinating hybrid nature, since they are formed as a by-product of the relation between the large, often tall structures, and the residual space in-between. From a formal and graphic approach, we can understand them as just another layer in the urban fabric, a sort of a residual vascular system. That might be, but there is also a difference between rationalizing space in our minds, and the actual fruition of those same spaces. A lot has been said and written about this spaces (more non-spaces), eventually in a best effort non-places, using Auge’s terminology. The project is expected reserve an symbiotic and endemic nature.

Skinning steel, is a small experiment, that aims to the re-use of steel structures in urban niches. This way exploring the possibility of re-framing steel structures, that grow between, under or above urban existences. Skinned with a polymeric membrane, acts simultaneously as a roof, facade, floor. Subverts the notion of interior and exterior. Creates shade, and visual frames without enclosure.

In this hybrid environment, equates the possibility of creating an independent support system for various programmatic purposes. The possibility of generating a support structure for an argumented reality layer is also assumed, enforcing the notion of a hybrid space, somewhere between a urban reality, an argumented space and a mental place.

Google Earth, Adobe Photoshop, Rhinoceros 3d, Grasshopper, Cinema 4d.

The urban fabric is analyzed trough Google earth, The satellite images are processed in photoshop, and the urban elements are divided into layers. The space between the mass urban elements, is assumed as growing space. This way, in this layer key points are chosen in the X,Y and Z axes that will be assumed as coordinates for the frame nodes. A structure between this nodes is made in Rhinoceros using the grasshopper generative engine, this way controlling not only the position of the nodes but aspects related with the frame structure in a parametric way. From this process is also extracted a bounding box that will be transformed into the polimeric skin in cinema 4d, by means of a hyper-NURBS modifier. Both pieces are composed together to form the main support structure.

Biotope 2.0

Open possibilities on simbiotic shelter

living biotope, artificial inteligence, biotechnology, porous space, hybrid spaces, sustainability, sensible home

Biotope is nature inspired. The base concept in grown from the observation of small porous rocks and corals that provide habitat to living micro-organisms and small animals.
This simbiotic relationship between an organism and his living environment can also be taken from the micoscopic scale to a planetary onde, this way assuming the relation between a wole specie, like humankind and the planet itself. This notion of "oneness" finds it's midterm in the building scale. Where further speculations may interest architects and designers alike.
This assumed conceptual exploration is based on a coral-like building, working as a biotope.
The building would regulate aspects like shade, light, temperature, humidity control and others in the same way as a living organism. Based in advanced generative algotithms the biotope would be able to negotiate and manage the relation between the inside space and the outside environment.
At an interior level, managing the relation between inner "bubbles" of living space, promoting an hybridization of staying places and passage spaces, and the duality between mass and subtraction of mass. Exploring this way the notion of porous space

Cinema 4d

Modeling the main body, as a NURBS-Type polisurface. Sculp inner spaces and openings. Inculde a Hyper-NURBS modifier to combine and merge the inner spaces with the exterior polysurface creating a unified porous biotope shape.
A Physical model can be created by sectioning the biotope in Rhino 3d and produce severeal sections of the model in a CNC machine, by means of subtraction.

Digital Waterfront

Digital Waterfront
From data flow to field-scape

explorations of landscape, digital matrix, data flux, buffer, topography, structure, space warps, data field, filed distortion, field scape.

In this exploration, the waterfront is taken as a privileged place, promoting the awareness of the interrelated and dynamic nature of the territory.
The awareness of this countless dynamic relationships, tends to define a web of new and more subtle relations between the subject-object-space, defining in this way a new understanding of the waterfront as a unified, dynamic and flowing whole. The converging of all this relations is merged into a data bank that like a “primordial soup”, merges data from various origins, forming a meta-concept of the waterfront itself, this new digitally unified model is assumed as a generative base model, an open system that takes into account the not only the meta-data between the basic elements but also the relation of the sequence of events times, tides and discontinuity, simultaneity and superimposition.
The generation of a possible conceptual shape, is in this way, being deeply rooted in the nature of the generation strategy, assuming that the same territory can be worked with many development strategies, We can also assume numerous structured outcomes. This way, program, programmatic content and intentions are essential as means of control of such development strategies.

Adobe Lightroom, Open office Calc, Open office base, Autodesk Ecotect, Rhinoceros 3d, Grasshopper, Cinema 4d.

The first main procedure in creating a data tank of information about the waterfront. Images, statistics, morphology, geological data, weather data, sun charts, walking paths, landmarks, etc.
Abstract perceptions of phenomenological nature are also registered and taken as variables.
Images are tagged with meta-content in lightroom. Numeric data in Calc, weather and climate are analyzed in Ecotect. Particle simulations are made in cinema 4d, with dynamics. All the possible data is merged in open office database. A possible conceptual approach is modeled using rhinoceros, using the generative engine grasshopper, that can merge directly in the model definition data from other sources.

Some deeper toughts regarding the fractal grid

Fractal Grid
From the topological model to the fractal field

meta project, explorations of landscape, conceptual infrastructure, connection, matrix, topography, structure, re-programing space, filed distortion, fractalization, endemic, crystal structures

Fractal Grid is meta project that explores the conceptual possibility of a Non-topological model based on a generative self-sustained approach.
The approach is grounded on mathematical principles, and developed with the aid of 3d design tools. It explores less usual semantics and arguments regarding fractal development and crystal structures in urban and non-urban landscapes. This way trying to bridge the traditional topological models and an abstract mathematical model in a dynamic relation of interactions .This way generating a “fractalization layer” with the possibility of re-programing space fruition trough the cage relations, layers and densities.
A notion of continuity in the landscape is redefined by the superimposed layer, in a way unifying the traditional entropic relation between urban and highly populated areas an non-urban and less populated areas.
In this way, the current stage of research is still contemplating a larger scope of situations, mainly grouped in urban and non-urban landscapes. Both interacting with the fractalization layer in distinct ways.

The urban layer
The fractal relations establish themselves in a mathematical form trough the city's empty spaces, forming a conceptual infrastructure that generates a ”non-empty” place above, between and even under the urban topography.
The conceptual infrastructure, establishes it self trough the dynamic relation between the cage and the topological urban scene. Defining in this way a new layer-system in the city. This fractalization layer, is assumed as a self justified model of mathematical genesis that bridges both landscape models, one of urban topological origin and another of pure mathematical abstraction. We still may consider a third layer as a by-product of the relation between this two layers, as the space between may also be defined as an hybrid layer, of dualistic characteristics.

The non-urban layer
In the non-urban landscape, the fractal relationship establish itself via the landscape morphology, in this way gaining a much closer, almost promiscuous relationship between the layers.
The fractalization layer is still assumed as a self-driven infrastructure by mean of it's generative nature, but now due to the closer relation with the terrain's morphology it gains it may gain at time a almost endemic nature to the place, merging with it or becoming an extension of it.

Rhinoceros 3d, Blender, Python, Qhull.

Modeling main geometry body as a NURBS-Type polisurface . Defining key control points. Establish generative limits. grow Fractalize volume into a cloud of points. Turn cloud into a cage.
The process may seem complex but in fact is a very basic modeling process, it's just being applied in a unusual research context. It can be achieved with any major 3d software pack. The mathematical process can be obtained via code (python), via Qhull or even by blender. Qhull and blender have their own rules, in python you can code yourself the tools. For this exploration (at this stage at least) the last two suffice.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Skinning steel part 2 in progress

I've been working in a way of "fractalise
" structures, It occurred to me that the same process could be applied to the skinning steel structure, Naturally it originates a different project, different spaces, etc. But a similar urban approach. This time creating glazed spaces inside and in-between the structure and surroundings.
I'll leave you a teaser.


Bridge !!!

Finally got some time to play with GH. This definition was constructed while I was on the phone, you know how we all tend to draw something... well.. here it is.

It's a very simple definition, operates just a couple of basic commands. It builds up on top of seven symmetrical nurbs, all the structure is parametric (sliders for everything), I will try to find time to look into paneling and more advanced def. I added the usual renderings and human scale, and made it some kind of a bridge between two imaginary points.

Cheers !

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fractal cage

I'm still experimenting with the process of fractalize meshes. I'm also giving gimp a try, and I ended up doing some test collages, playing a bit with the context and the relation between the structure and the human scale.

Btw the backgrounds, are not my own, they are just desktops that I found somewhere in the net, but they suit more or less what I needed for the test. Enjoy

UPDATE: More about this research in my other blog:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gene Lab

One of these days, I found myself approaching a Lab project. Some time in the past I worked in interior Lab design, the projects are complex, packed with regulations, but at the same time challenging and full of excitement.
Needless to say that greater the client's budget... greater the excitement, and pretty sleek results can be obtained...

Anyway I ended up (for kicks), creating a shell for a gene lab / university (space port) like sleek building. The idea was to create a animated facade (pretty baroque) formally inspired in crystal structures, that would work with a inner hull to accommodate several technical spaces and equipment.

The modeling technique, passed by the obvious subdivide methods, followed by a light fractal extrusion and followed by a random extrusion. Most of the times you may have to code this, but I'm pretty lazy so I used blender that provide those same tools out of the box.
I'm not going trough the hole project study, I just let you the test images of the crazy facade.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Another short formal essay. Aiming the construction of coral-like building, working as a biotope.

Shade, light, temperature, humidity control. The building would regulate this factors like a living organism, the same with all other functions, waters and energy.

It explores the notion of porous space, the relation between "bubbles", and the hybridization of staying places and passage spaces, and the duality between mass and subtraction/retraction.
still.... loads of thinking to do in this one.....


My new twitter account. I've noticed that twitter can be used for sharing relevant information, like resource sites and more.

So I'm sharing pieces of information that I found useful for designers. Themes are (most of the time) Architecture, Industrial, graphic design specific, software / hardware related and tutorials. The objective is sharing really useful information, without being much of a nag.

You can find there, great zines like archdaily or yanko, and great studios like Various architects and more.

Naturally you can find me there under the name: pguerreiro

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Component Generation using Grasshopper surface box and box morph.

I got inspired by Andre's exquisite Grasshopper rumblings (thanks for the great tips), So I finally spared a couple of hours to play with it. And... it's the second best invention after the wheel. (no joke).. I wish I had time to take a deep dive into it. Still, here is the result, I followed a basic but brilliant tutorial done by Zach (Kudos!!), pretty soon I will be testing my own definitions.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Skinning steel

A small experiment (yet to be deeply developed), aims to the re-use of steel structures in urban niches.

Re framed Steel structures, that grows between, under or above urban existences. Skinned with a polymeric membrane, acts simultaneously as a roof, facade, floor. Subverts the notion of interior and exterior. Creates (sometimes) shade, shelter and visually frames part of the urban view without enclosure.

In this hybrid environment, equates the possibility of creating an independent support system for various programmatic purposes. I can imagine some sort of market, Chinatown, commercial and passage way, blade runner style.

The images for now are not that elaborate though, and refer mostly to the framing.

Keywords: anisotropy, deform, distortion, endemic, field space, flexible, hybrid program, in-between, interference, motion, polymer, polymorphic, skin, sustainability, systemic, urban

Saturday, December 13, 2008


A small incursion on ribbing, easy enough as an experiment, but here is the result.

Just some curves, a loft and surface.
Give the surface some thickness, duplicating it and create the lateral surfaces (_EdgeSrf), join all surfaces in a closed polysurface creating a solid.
Create the contours in y and x direction (Contour command, with join curves by contour plane option)
Then after obtaining the ribbing, load the ribs script. I've used the script by Un Didi, Kudos to him. And I must also thank Rodrigo Medina and Andre for the pointers.

So I'm still yet to test a unroll script, let's see if I find some time to do that... pointers are always welcome.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Design methodology

No project is the same, in architecture in particular that means that my methodology tends to assume some kind of "dynamic existence".
Meaning that the relevance of the initial premises changes greatly, leading to quite different approaches and developments.

This "core premises" for me are:

Concept | idea, character, shape, poetics, etc., restless, dynamic and abstract nature.

Territory | morphology, views, patterns, materials, geography, memory, etc., less abstract, cognitive and emotional in nature.

Program | logic, function, safety, rules, etc, down to earth, rational, logic in nature.

This means that some projects have a strong conceptual drive. These kinds tend to be more autistic and self justified.

Others, the second kind, are sensible to the territory usually gaining an endemic nature, becoming themselves part of it.

Others yet, are program motivated by the program, build to perform.

To these extreme examples I often call characters.

Of course, few are “pure characters” from start to finish, in most of the cases all these aspects need to be weaved somehow. Still, I think there must be a predominant one, a ruler that sets the development dynamics. It will be the generative DNA of the project.

From here a storyboard can be produced, using key frames to mark essential parts of the project. All of them generated from the initial DNA and containing the very same character. In the end both diversity and oneness is attained.

I'm drifting a bit... So, the great thing about being an architect is the ability to dose these aspects with sensibility and art.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fun with attractors

Chaos is fun! Far from the randomness disorder concept nature proves it's existence trough intelligent and complex mathematics. I used Chaoscope to experiment with attractors, and I ended up with this gorgeous looking images as a bonus.

Testing Organic forms

A small incursion into hypernurbs and matrix extrusion. No code.
My next step will be (probably) voronoy and L-systems, (Qhull and Rhino..)
Good tips are welcome.